Sunday, August 28, 2005

Summer of Death

I am not sure why, but this summer we bought a small mud turtle (baby) and a month later it died. Then we bought his replacement (Shelby II) and a month later he died. Then a mud turtle that I had bought as a baby but which was now about three years old also died. It was about three inches long when it died. Hopefully there are swamps and rivers and lakes in Heaven, and turtles, fish, and alligators (not to mention dogs and NFL Football). Do you think animals and beloved pets have an afterlife? It is kind of sad when our pets die. Even a little reptile can have a lot of personality.

1 comment:

Moby Dick said...

I would rather go to a heaven that had animals and my friends and relatives. Imagine if you get to heaven and Pat Robertson is in charge and everyone has to go to the Crystal Cathedral and listen to Oral Roberts for eternity?