Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Map Turtle hunts goldfish

Here is Coconut the Map Turtle catching another goldfish. One of the perils of keeping turtles in an aquarium is that when they manage to climb out they fall on the floor and sometimes their shells get dinged or even cracked. Coconut has a ding on one of its front shell plates. I guess that is why many people that have turtles keep the water level low. However, I prefer to see them have as much space as possible to swim around in, so I keep the water near the top of the aquarium.

Here is my Map Turtle catching a goldfish. This turtle is named Coconut. I am not sure if it is a boy or a girl. The tail is pretty big, and that usually indicates it is a male. On the other hand, males usually have a slightly longer tail. This turtle is less than three years old. We got Coconut when it was a baby turtle at the Snakes reptile store.

Coconut the Map Turtle snacking on a goldfish a couple of days ago. The love the feeder fish.


Moby Dick said...

Thank you Leigh-Ann!

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your comment. Your turtles are lovely :P I am surprise that you have a turtle, a python and a dog - wow a real animal house :P As you having visited my blog, I assumed that you keep fish as well.. :P Amazing house