My family and I had a chance to visit Flamingo Gardens in Davie, Florida and ended up buying a Ball Python at a very reasonable price ($15.). These Ball Pythons are usually sold at local pet stores for $49. each, so the savings more than covered the Admission fee of $6. per person which included the entry fee to visit the Flamingo Gardens. Flamingo Gardens itself had some interesting Nature exhibits and a short Reptile seminar. It was a very nice park to visit. It has tons of tropical plants, flowers, trees, and also birds and reptiles and some rides. The Reptile Show was in convention hall in Flamingo Gardens, and it had lots of tables and some great bargains on all kinds of reptiles and turtles. There were lots of interesting critters, bugs, skunks, ferrets, rats, mice, various monkeys, flying squirrels, weird rabbits, guinea pigs, Iguanas, all kinds of snakes, turtles, spiders, scorpions, and more!
Lauren is the promoter of Florida's Reptile and Alternative Pet Shows. Lauren is a very nice and friendly person and she sold us a very colorful silk-screened reptile T-shirt for only $12. Just about everything at this reptile show had great deals compared to any pet stores.
I am not sure why, but this summer we bought a small mud turtle (baby) and a month later it died. Then we bought his replacement (Shelby II) and a month later he died. Then a mud turtle that I had bought as a baby but which was now about three years old also died. It was about three inches long when it died. Hopefully there are swamps and rivers and lakes in Heaven, and turtles, fish, and alligators (not to mention dogs and NFL Football). Do you think animals and beloved pets have an afterlife? It is kind of sad when our pets die. Even a little reptile can have a lot of personality.