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This is one of the two Yellow Bellied Turtles that I have right now in a twenty gallon long tank. They are pretty friendly and are hand-fed, except when I put the feeder-fish into the aquarium. They love swimming around snapping up those goldfish!
i have a girl one and it is the same as yours
i have 4 turtles in my tank 2 males 2 females and their is millions of lattle worms in the tank. would you have any idea what this could be? if you could please leave me an email at thanks.
You need to take the turtles out of the water and do a complete water change in the tank.
You need to change the filters on the water filters every week or two and keep the filters clean. The little worms get trapped in the water filters.
These are usually flies or some other insect.
They may also be parasites that are inside your turtles and coming out from their feces.
You may want to call a veterinarian's office and ask them for some information, or if they think it is serious. I have seen those worms, but not so bad. Cleaning the water and frequent change of the filter will do a lot to eliminate the problem unless the turtles have the worms inside of them.
i had a terripin for 6 months he had a previous owner b4 tat.he looked simular to a yellow belly.I bought a new tank for him an 3 weeks later he died.i had a heater an filter an all.i dont know wat i did it my fault or can they die of loneliness
I just bought two yellow belly hatchlings is it could to let them have a companion in the tank at all times?
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