Comments: WOW! It is great to read about someone who loves his dog so much he was willing to put his own life on the line!! But then there is this SAD NEWS from Australia:
Dog Burned to Death: A dog has died after being badly burned in Sydney's west yesterday, police said. The male terrier cross was found by a man walking his own dog along Orchardleigh Street at Old Guildford about 5.30pm, police said. Police said the man took the dog to the RSPCA at Yagoona but its injuries were so severe it was put down. Inspector Slade Macklin from the RSPCA said it appeared the dog had been set on fire deliberately. "Unless the dog was in a house fire or if someone turned around and said 'the dog jumped in an open fire', it's sort of unlikely that a dog would [do] something like that," Inspector Macklin said. But a police spokeswoman said Bankstown investigators were following a number of lines of inquiry and had not ruled out the possibility the dog's injuries were accidental. It is believed police last night made contact with the dog's owner, who lives in the Yagoona/Old Guildford area. Inspector Macklin said the dog, which was "only a couple of years old", was in shock when it was delivered to the RSPCA.
Dog Hanging From Tree: Yesterday a dead dog has been found hanging from a tree in Sydney's west, the RSPCA says. RSPCA NSW is appealing for witnesses to what it has labelled a shocking case of animal cruelty. The female cattle-dog cross was discovered this morning in RAAF Memorial Park, on the corner of Belmore Avenue and Woodstock Road in Mount Druitt.
The tan-coloured dog, thought to be no more than five years old, was probably hanging there for at least a few days, the RSPCA said. RSPCA NSW Inspector Matt Godwin said it was not clear if the animal was already dead before being strung up in the tree, but there were no other obvious injuries. "It is without a doubt, the worst case of cruelty and the most disturbing that I have ever seen," Inspector Godwin said. "We're appealing to anyone who has any information or who may have seen people acting suspiciously in the area over the weekend, to come forward. "The dogs' owners might still be looking for their pet." Anyone with information is urged to phone RSPCA NSW on (02) 9770 7555.
wow, what's up with all the dog killing Down Under? how sad.
Sick people. Very sad that the odds are they will get away with it.
Yes they will get away with it (for now). Sad but true. Guildford is predominantly inhabited by folks from other less fortunate countries now. (refugees) Not many people of Western beliefs live there, to them dogs are like rats. Yagoona RSPCA has a huge death rate. (I grew up in a neighbouring suburb, there are not many English speaking folks there any more, we all ran away)
Mt Druitt is the projects of Australia, children are often treated worse than these dogs you have told us about. I guess there are just some rotten people in this world. And while they might just get away with it for now, I believe that they will get theirs eventually.
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