For Christmas, I bought my two dogs a PediPaws so that I could painlessly trim
their nails. I have a Jack Russell Terrier and a Shih-Tzu, which are both small to medium dogs. I have trimmed their nails before with those nail trimmers that are sold at most pet shops for under $10. It looks like it is an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience for the dogs. I want my dogs to be as happy as possible, so I was looking forward to using PediPaws, especially after seeing so many commercials for this product. PediPaws costs $19.99, and I bought this at Walgreens Pharmacy. With much excitement, we all brought the dogs to the living room and began trying to trim their nails. Not much happened. PediPaws seemed to be shining their nails, not trimming them. If you pressed too hard on the sanding head, it just stopped. PediPaws is battery operated, so that means that it has very little power. The motor is probably one of those tiny little magnetized motors that are on the smallest motorized RC vehicles. In short, PediPaws sucked and after trying it on both dogs and all of their nails I boxed it all up and returned it to the store. I cannot really describe how very little the PediPaws did. The sanding head that attaches to the tip was micro-fine paper, which basically did very little to trim a hard nail.

jeeZ, you certainly are judgemental o mega man. I'm sorry the only thrill you get out of life is watching True Romance and wrestling alligators. But why don't you try walking in other peoples shoes before accusing someone of being full of shit. I know the everglades is one bad motherfucking neighborhood and thank god I don't have to walk those streets er swamps at night.
Chill dude.
I have lived the life that skank claims to be living, and I can tell the BS a mile away.
Not to mention that for someone who is so hardcore, it has comment moderation so that all that are posted are the remarks of the gullible people who feel pitty for the skank in question.
All the folks that actually know her story is BS are not permitted to post. I guarantee you that everyone in the neighborhood she claims to live in have no clue who she is. Not to mention that bogus photo of a shack that she copied from a photo of Abe Lincoln's log cabin.
"skank" far from it!
I never sold myself and I dont knock the ones that do. Just wasnt ever my thing and never will be.
I always tried to keep my head held high even thought I was getting high and doing thing I shouldn't have been doing.
I responded to you on my blog where you posted however you chose not to respond back.
I have NO REASON to lie about the things I have done, the places I have been and shit that's gone on in my life.
everything and anything I post on my blog is all fact unless I'm just talking shit and posting things that are rattling in my brain.
If you have lived the drug lifestyle then you would know having a gun, knife, razor blade put up to yo aint shit, and I have had all of them put to me as well.
The reason I moderate comments is because a few months back that "MICKEY" person and and few other people with nothing better to do with there time was spamming my shit.
I believe Mickey spammed you as well and if you look on your blog I even made a post on one of your Micheal Vick posts.
I do animal rescue and I hate the MOFO!
Also I was getting alot of spam and alot of fake people and it was just getting to be a pain in the ass.
If I didn't want to post your comment believe me I could have but I did, you know what they say about opinions don't ya :P
Bottom line I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me, or things I have done or what I'm doing now. I live my life the best I can plain and simple.
If it gives you joy to be a online thug because your probably a hermit who has nothing better to do then post bullshit on blogs then please by all means get your rocks off and enjoy!
Just make sure to clean up the mess!
As for the picture of the house I have on my blog, I don't know where that house is, I don't know who owns it or lives in it. It is a pic I found on the net and posted it up, it is one of many pictures of ran down house that I have been posting up since I started the blog.
As for the post you just made I have been wanting to get the PediPaw for my animals and I have heard some pretty good things about it, and then like what you posted I have also heard some bad things about it as well. so I don't know if I will invest the money on it for them just yet....
Stay Up!
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